
Win A Bigger Share Of The Delivered Food Marketplace

The market for delivered food has grown massively. With Syrve, you can enter this market quickly and easily — or supercharge your existing operation. Significantly, our platform supports a range of delivery business models to give you the widest choice and greater agility.

Key Benefits

  • Increase your market share: Let customers order and pay online — from brands, aggregators, or your apps or website. Deliver food on time and grow loyalty
  • One system for every order: Syrve injects delivery orders directly into your production pipeline. Management tools keep you in control
  • Optimise your delivery fleet: Plot routes efficiently, track drivers and give them an app to guide them
  • Business agility: Track your performance and adjust your operations as needed

Key Capabilities

Multiple order channels – but a single pipeline
Take full control
Empower & manage drivers
Superior customer experience
Reports & performance tracking
Dark kitchen operations

Multiple order channels – but a single pipeline

With Syrve, your ordering system can include any orders you've received off the web, your app or call centre, as well as business coming from popular digital ordering platforms. As the orders arrive, we keep it simple — with a single pipeline for accepting, managing and tracking every order.

Key Benefits

  • Increase your market share: Let customers order and pay online — from brands, aggregators, or your apps or website
  • Reduce costs and complexity: Syrve’s API enables businesses and their partners to easily integrate web applications, business solutions and mobile applications — and customise their solution needs — removing any technical barriers and costly delays
  • One system for every order: You no longer need to print off web or app orders and punch them manually into the system. Syrve injects them directly into your production pipeline
  • Delivery partner integration: Automatically accept orders from Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Just Eat without middleware fees. No re-keying is required

Take full control

With the right tools, you can optimise production and stay in control as your kitchen gets busy. Staff can instantly see what needs to be produced and where it must be delivered — with dish preparation status, cooking time countdowns, and actions listed for orders, dishes and servings.

Key Benefits

  • Stay on track at busy times: Streamline your kitchen management and production
  • Manage your resources intelligently: Accept orders centrally and then distribute them across multiple outlets, based on your resources and drivers’ availability
  • Keep staff focused on top priorities: Display orders, preparation status, cooking countdowns and key actions, second by second
  • Plan ahead with confidence: Monitor your inventory, optimise your staff rota, control costs and forecast sales accurately

Empower & manage drivers

Managing a team of drivers doesn't have to be time-consuming. Our tech can help you to make the best use of resources — and get food to customers on time. Syrve offers a suite of tools to optimise your delivery fleet, so you can plot routes efficiently, track drivers and give them an app to guide them.

Key Benefits

  • Satisfy customers: Get orders to customers on time — and increase loyalty and sales
  • Optimise deliveries: Distribute orders among delivery drivers and provide routes, based on your locations, availability, preparation and delivery times, and driver workload
  • Equip drivers with an app: Give them instant notification of assignments, changes or cancellation to orders, and optimal route calculation on Google Maps. Enable drivers to report any vehicle problems instantly and call customers in a click
  • Stay in control: Monitor order status and deliveries on a visual map, checking quality control in real time. Use GPS to spot the location of every driver and keep orders flowing smoothly. Monitor the performance of drivers and predict the time of their return

Superior customer experience

The delivered food market carries its own complexities. Getting orders into your till quickly and easily is great news. But consumer loyalty is fickle and the competition is only a swipe away. No-one wants cold food — that's why a smooth- running delivery operation with Syrve is essential to a great customer experience.

Key Benefits

  • Increase customer loyalty: Manage your delivery operation in real time, schedule deliveries with realistic timelines and deliver food when customers expect it
  • Avoid losing orders or making mistakes: The moment orders enter thein the system, they are managed through to production and delivery. There is no need to send orders from one terminal to another – or the possibility of losing orders
  • Avoid ‘last mile’ hold-ups: Enable drivers to call customers immediately in a click if they are having any problems with access or finding the right property
  • Stay in control: Monitor deliveries on a visual map and check deliveries arrive on time

Reports & performance tracking

Smart tech goes the extra mile and offers insights into your delivery operation. Reporting analytics feed into your platform automatically — and you can compare how the delivery side of your restaurant compares to the rest of your business.

Key Benefits

  • Check performance: See the impact of your delivery operation on overall sales. Data feeds into your accounting system automatically and reports are available in a click
  • Let the system think ahead for you: Rely on realistic, system- generated prep plans, so mountains of food won’t be wasted
  • Predict peak periods: Schedule the right amount of kitchen staff and delivery drivers for your busiest moments
  • Order ahead intelligently: Optimise your inventory and purchasing by accurately predicting what’ll be selling over coming weeks

Dark kitchen operations

With Syrve, you can get your own branded online ordering website linked to your own restaurant management solution, including kitchen management, customer management, delivery, stock taking, staff scheduling and financial control.

Key Benefits

  • One system: It’s simple to manage your own online or third-party aggregator delivery orders and drivers, taking advantage of a connected system
  • Streamlines operations: Syrve uses modern cloud automation to connect and streamline virtually every aspect of your restaurant food delivery and dark kitchen operation — from online ordering and kitchen efficiency to your back-of-house management
  • Take advantage of AI: Estimate an expected order delivery time subject to the kitchen workload, driver numbers or traffic. Easily assign orders among drivers and plot routes. Sales forecasting, staff rotas and kitchen prep can be optimised using AI

FAQ's: Your Questions Answered

What does Syrve do when a delivery order comes in?

When a delivery order arrives – from any channel – Syrve automatically processes it through a single production pipeline. There’s no need to transfer an order from one system to another.

Does Syrve give me any control over my drivers?

If you’re using your own delivery drivers, Syrve offers a suite of tools that help you optimise your fleet, from plotting efficient routes to tracking driver locations.

What happens if too many orders come flooding in?

Syrve is here to help. Syrve makes it easy to predict peak periods, schedule the right kitchen staff, and ensure you always have enough drivers to handle busy nights.

Can I use Syrve for dark kitchen deliveries?

Of course! Syrve offers excellent support for dark kitchens, using modern cloud automation to streamline all operations, from online ordering to at-home delivery.

What can I do if my drivers need assistance?

If your drivers encounter a problem en route, Syrve can support them. Drivers can call customers immediately with a single click if they’re having trouble finding a property.

My drivers are all busy! What now?

With Syrve, your customers won’t have to wait long for their food. You can closely track driver workload, and distribute orders more effectively based on availability.

How do I know if my delivery efforts are succeeding?

Keep an eye on your performance using Syrve’s reporting features. Easily compare how the delivery side of your restaurant compares to the rest of your business.

See How Syrve Is Transforming The Quick Service Industry

Discover how Syrve empowers quick-service restaurants like Farmer J to enhance operational visibility and gain precise control over margins. Instantly adapt to shifts in customer behaviour through flexible order options, seamless menu changes, and integrated delivery solutions.

Flexible Pricing, Stay in Control

Say goodbye to fixed long-term contracts and hidden fees, with Syrve you benefit from flexible, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) plans that scale with your business.


Experience The Future Of Operations

Our team will listen to your objectives – and explore where Syrve can help you to transform. It could be an exciting conversation ahead.