Staff Management

Raise Performance Levels, While Save Time & Costs

Managing staff is simpler with everything online in one place. With Syrve, you can keep track of staff rotas, salaries, attendance, targets and incentives across the entire operation. As a result, you can raise performance and minimise costs — while making every staff member feel valued and connected.

Key Benefits

  • Free up time: Avoid spending hours of valuable time in the back office, figuring out staff schedules and using spreadsheets. Let Syrve do the heavy lifting for you
  • Build cost-effective schedules: Ensure every working hour is used effectively. As you make changes, the schedule planner displays your labour costs, so you can stay on budget
  • Use AI-driven forecasting: See clearly how many staff you need on a shift and who’s available
  • Improve performance: Increase revenue with smart upsell prompts. Monitor individual and overall staff performance. Reward and retain your best people

Key Capabilities

Optimise staff schedules
Set & calculate incentives
Make every staff member feel connected
Promote upsell opportunities
Control operations & plan ahead
Calculate & connect payroll

Optimise staff schedules

Planning shifts for weeks ahead is essential for a restaurant’s smooth-running. With Syrve, staff scheduling no longer needs to be a time-consuming, complex and manual task that’s prone to errors. You can minimise labour costs while ensuring you are well-staffed, thanks to helpful tools and accurate forecasts.

Key Benefits

  • Build staff schedules with precision accuracy: Ensure every working hour is used effectively. Use workflow management to simplify cleaning schedules, temperature checks and other routine tasks. Extend scheduling across multiple sites if needed
  • Watch costs closely: The schedule planner displays your labour costs, as you make changes, so you can keep the business on budget
  • Use AI-driven forecasting: See clearly how many staff you need on a shift and who’s available. Don’t get caught out by holidays and shift overlaps
  • Improve team morale: Ensure staff feel motivated and not under-deployed, or overrun and stressed. They can log in via their personal Syrve account and check their shifts instantly

Set & calculate incentives

Tech can help you to improve team morale and motivation. Syrve enables you to create a bonus system that makes sense for your business. You can set performance incentives for waiting staff, chefs, shifts or everyone at any specific restaurant. And you only pay bonuses when business is good.

Key Benefits

  • Improve performance: Incentivise staff to give their best, increase efficiency and improve the customer experience. Reward and retain your best people
  • Target incentives: Define targets for individuals or teams — or raise company-wide performance by managing team metrics across sites
  • Keep track of outcomes and costs: Calculate bonuses automatically. These could be based on a percentage of sales, per sale, a designated sum, or other performance related factors
  • Check effectiveness: Syrve’s intelligent reporting tracks rewards and offers insight into granular, real time data to enable transparency and drive decisions

Make every staff member feel connected

With Syrve, you can electronically engage with staff across multiple sites as soon as they check in. All employees have a personal page that includes a news feed, motivation programs, work schedule and notifications. At any time, you can be sure that staff know their goals, current performance and rewards.

Key Benefits

  • Boost morale: Stay connected with all staff. Make them feel valued and always ‘kept in the loop’ about what’s happening in your company
  • Share important news effectively: Don’t rely on printed memos, emails or word-of-mouth. Push notifications of new menus, company news and other key details
  • Enable your staff to keep track of goals: Let staff know their performance goals and how they’re doing in your incentives programmes
  • Use insights for better management: Let managers see each employee’s attendance rates, satisfaction scores, how many discounts/refunds they’ve given away

Promote upsell opportunities

Special promotions might boost revenue by 5% or more when offered to diners at the right moment. Syrve automatically prompts staff to promote meal deals and combo deals to increase sales. Servers are made aware with suggested items and special deals. These pop up as they input orders.

Key Benefits

  • Increase revenue: Improve sales and enhance the customer experience by providing great value
  • Create your own deals: It’s easy for managers to design and trial offers. These could be about sides, combos, 2-4-1s on drinks, or special offers on desserts. It’s your choice
  • Prompt staff at the right moment: Offers appear on-screen automatically when waiting staff are taking orders from customers
  • Record performance: Track sales and create contests between servers. Use a digital leadership board to promote competition. Syrve keeps score for you

Control operations & plan ahead

Because virtually every event related is recorded in-the-moment with Syrve, it's possible to see staff performance in real time. As a result, you can reward top performers, identify issues of concern and improve your staff management strategy and recruitment over time.

Key Benefits

  • Access valuable reports: These provide valuable data on labour costs and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to provide an overview of the business in real time
  • View staff performance: Check attendance and the success of rewards programmes
  • Receive alerts: If staff ‘misuse’ issues arise, the system can tell you automatically. These might relate to write-offs, payment removals, order cost reductions after printing and cancelling a bill, discounts, guests checking in, frequent check-ins per employee or large sum bills

Calculate & connect payroll

With Syrve, you can gain full visibility of labour costs. This includes real time cost control and planning of schedules — so you don't need to wait for payroll at the end of the month. The accrual method records wages as well as penalties and bonuses.

Key Benefits

  • Monitor costs: Calculation of an employee’s ‘tentative’ wages can be performed automatically (for employees working with attendance and shift records, such managers) or manually (for employees working without attendance control, such as administrators)
  • View approximate labour costs at any time: To accrue an employee’s wages automatically, you need to assign a schedule and fill in attendances for them. These accruals are performed uniformly, and the amounts are displayed in reports as accrual progresses
  • Ensure payments are accurate: Syrve integrates with well-known HR and payroll apps. We can provide access to real time, accurate information – to ensure that employees are correctly paid and in accordance with labour laws

FAQ's: Your Questions Answered

Can I manage staff payments through Syrve?

Syrve automatically keeps track of all costs including staff wages and also integrates with leading HR and payroll apps. Syrve provides accurate information to ensure that staff are correctly paid and in accordance with labour laws.

Can I manage staff on an individual level?

With Syrve, you can. Syrve allows you to record individual performance, and even roll out a digital leadership board that helps you compare staff performance with motivation programs

How often can I see staff updates?

In real-time. Because virtually every event is recorded in-the-moment with Syrve, it’s possible to see staff performance in real-time, and keep up-to-date with everything.

What staff reports are available?

Syrve allows you to generate a wide range of staff reports, from attendance, labour costs, reward programmes and ‘misuse’ alerts to practically every other valuable key performance indicator, for a full overview.

Do I need to log in to Syrve to see updates?

Not if you don’t want to. Through Syrve, you can receive instant alerts should any staff issues arise, allowing you to react quickly and resolve problems in the best way.

How does AI forecasting for staff work?

Syrve uses the data it holds about your sales history and trends to accurately predict busier and slower periods, helping you schedule the right staff for the right shifts.

How do I know if Syrve is working for me?

Syrve’s intelligent reporting feedbacks the results of any staffing changes, attendance rates, satisfaction scores, how many discounts/refunds they’ve given way and a wealth of indicators, providing greater insights that you can act on to impact your bottom line.

See How Syrve Is Transforming The Quick Service Industry

Discover how Syrve empowers quick-service restaurants like Farmer J to enhance operational visibility and gain precise control over margins. Instantly adapt to shifts in customer behaviour through flexible order options, seamless menu changes, and integrated delivery solutions.

Flexible Pricing, Stay in Control

Say goodbye to fixed long-term contracts and hidden fees, with Syrve you benefit from flexible, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) plans that scale with your business.


Experience The Future Of Operations

Our team will listen to your objectives – and explore where Syrve can help you to transform. It could be an exciting conversation ahead.